The Museum Network: culture and territory to be promoted and safeguarded.
The coordination table is the decision-making and active participation tool in the Network, to encourage and guarantee collaboration between all the structures belonging to it. The coordination table meets a series of times a year at the invitation of the President of the Magnifica Comunità di Cadore.
The composition of the table: – President of the Magnificent Community of Cadore, Renzo Bortolot – Director of the Museums of the Magnificent Community of Cadore, Matteo Da Deppo – Vittorino Cazzetta Museum, Diego Battiston – Ethnographic Museum Giuseppe Fontana and House Museum of Rural Civilization, Marcella Benedetti – Algudnei Museum, Arrigo De Martin Mattiò – Dairy Museum, Marco Vacca and Francesca Larese Fillon – Palazzo Corte Metto Museum, Anna Vecellio – Al Pojat Museum, Zeno Sagui
The scientific committee has the task of proposing, developing and coordinating projects and activities for the promotion and enhancement of the Museum Network.
The components of the table are:
– Matteo Da Deppo, representative of the Museum network staff
– Iolanda Da Deppo, representative expert in ethnographic matters
– Elena Maierotti, expert representative in museum education
– Diego Battiston, expert representative in the archaeological field
Office of the Cadore – Dolomites Museum Network: Palace of the Magnificent Community of Cadore, piazza Tiziano, 2 32044 Pieve di Cadore (BL)

The Cadore Dolomiti Museum Network, financed under the Interreg IV Italy – Austria Ad Museum project program, was founded in February 2013 with the aim of making the most of the rich and varied local museum heritage.
9 local entities, large and small, have joined the Network and, after a long preparatory phase, have made their own the awareness that working together allows: to plan and coordinate promotion and valorisation activities more effectively; to develop the application of quality standards on a large scale; to realize the savings necessary to achieve these objectives.
The Magnificent Community of Cadore, the leading body, is an ancient institution, already established in the fourteenth century.
The Magnificent Community of Cadore has represented the autonomous governance of the Cadore population for centuries and has been able to maintain its independence over time, above all thanks to a complex political organization of self-government of the territory and to mutual collaboration between nearby valleys and villages.
After a period of historical upheaval culminating with the abolition of the organization by Napoleon’s troops, the Magnificent Community of Cadore, reconstituted as a moral organization in 1875, has the precise task of representing the cultural, spiritual and economic unity of the territory.
Therefore, on a consolidated historical basis, the Institution wanted to unite the varied museum realities of the area in order to consolidate existing relationships and develop new future projects.

- Coordination and financing
- Promotion and valorisation
- Setting up and organizing events
- Cultural consultancy
- Reception and inclusion of interns / young people / etc. in the local cultural reality
One must have known hunger, on the road and at that height, to understand how valuable bread and cheese ! I had sat on a rock not far away, in front of the sky lit by the sunset, and everything had calmed down around me, the gloomy thoughts had been dispelled, optimism had returned, faith in victory. I dug out my notebook and went over, eating greedily, the itinerary, the quotas, the notes on weapons and defences…
When I was twelve years old, I first went to Milan with my older brother, and was taken on service in a tavern in Corso Buenos Ayres, then at an equestrian circus, and finally I was a street vendor of pastries. After a year I returned to Zoppè where I saw a painter painting for the first time. I carried his tools, fixing his easel with large stones when the wind blew. Once I kept a cow tied to a larch tree for a couple of hours. From this painter, named Masotto, I learned that there was a painting school in Verona. The following year, I enrolled at the Accademia Cignarola..
…illuminated by narrow shining medieval windows, is truly unremarkable and, on the whole, also unattractive, but it… was Titian’s home. No doubt it must have looked different when he was a child and played in front of the entrance, on the grassy forecourt… One thing is certain: the pleasant green hill protected the house (Titian’s), even in those distant years, from the cold east winds and the Duranno ridge silhouetted against the midday horizon and the woods, then as now, sloped down to the valley where a mule track descends to meet the road to Venice.
Returning to the Molinà we left the highway, going back to Pieve by the Laghetti di Lagole … It was a delight to enter, beyond the borders of the wilderness of Lagole, a lovely pine-wood clothing the steep sides of a torrent gorge with a carpet of wild flowers and grasses, and a clear gushing stream leaping in tiny cascades from rock to rock…